Friendly Fill – Ins

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1.) I need haircut and a spa day Desperately.

2.) One nice thing about staying home is I get some stuff done.

3.) Picking my cat up and loving her instantly makes my day better.

4.) When someone disagrees with me, I try to respect their opinion unless it has to do with animals. I actually dealt with this already when a guy once told me animals are dumb. To say the least, I lost it and told him there are probably more animals in this world I know that are smarter than some humans. That was the end of the discussion except for applause from people witnessing our loud discussion.



1.) I really need toenail trim and a brushing.

2.) One nice thing about staying home is who am I kidding I’m always at home sleeping most of the day.

3.) Visiting my sister Tigger over at TIGGER & FRIENDS instantly makes me feel better.

4.) When someone disagrees with me, I become louder and a lot more vocal. My furever family say I get more demanding MOL, LOL.










Get Well Sunday Selfies

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LadyMew isn’t feeling well so we made her a special Get well card and emailed it to her. We hope you send her get well wishes to her.



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During these uncertain days, we all must find positivity. We all have many ways we can keep positive. However, for others it may not be that easy staying positive. I was going through some of my important digital pictures last night and I came across this sign that my one niece has. I loved the saying and thought this is what we all need to do.






On The Front Lines Or Behind The Scenes?

Do you work on the front lines? AKA at a hospital or Veterinarian Hospital or do work behind the scenes AKA at home. Either way know this, the work you’re doing at home or at some type of hospital your efforts are very much appreciated.

My one niece who is a Radiologist at a hospital up in Olean, New York. She has been told the hospital where she is at might get other Corona Virus cases from other hospitals and Clinics.

I wish you all the best and Thank You Very Much to those on Front Lines trying to help us the best they can and know how.





Daisy Mae Shares Some Bad News

Hi everyone, How are you all among the Coronavirus deal?  I was talking with Mom Crystal and she said that she is going silent for a bit. No we are not quitting our 3 blogs at all. She said she might post every now and then. You see we regrettably have some bad news to share. No Mom or I doesn’t have that bad old Coronavirus thankfully. Actually it’s worse. Mom Crystal got 4 emails today saying someone had infected her computer with a virus a while ago with private malware. Please be patient with us while we deal with possibly being hacked. 

Hope to post soon.




Hi Everyone, my name is Tigger and I’m a Grey Striped Tabby Cat. I’m in the TCC(Tabby Cat Club). I’m one of their newest members so I had to get a blog on Blogger. Anyway, back to the favor I want to ask of everyone. Because I’m new to Blogger, I only have 1 or 2 followers. Please follow my blog TIGGER AND FRIENDS at TIGGER AND FRIENDS . It’s really easy to follow just click on the above link and at the top of the blog on the right-hand side you’ll see 2 words and they are SUBSCRIBE and SEARCH. Click on SUBSCRIBE and it will ask for your email address then click GET EMAIL NOTIFICATIONS then FEEDBURNER Box opens up. Be sure to check the capture and complete request. After this has been done, check your inbox for a confirmation email. Be sure to click CONFIRM.

One more thing before I forget, I TIGGER want to invite all you Tabby Cats that aren’t already TCC members to join the TABBY CAT CLUB. TELL THEM TIGGER AND CRYSTAL REFERRED YOU.



















Welcome everyone to CRYSTAL AND DAISY MAE’S PHOTO-BLOGGING SITE. As you know, this site is just not about photos but more. I always enjoy it when my readers and new visitors visit my site. 

Today, I would like to tell you about a book I read and give you my review of the book, My Book Rating and Why, My thoughts and so much more.

About The Book(Goodreads):

Thomas Howard Charismatic head of one of the most powerful Houses in Tudor England. An indomitable old man approaching eighty: soldier, courtier, politician, a ‘phoenix rising’ from the ashes. After a calamitous period of disgrace, the Howards, renowned for their good looks and charm, are once more riding high at the court of Henry VIII.

Set against the backdrop of the extraordinary 1520 ‘Field of Cloth of Gold’, it is a tale of ambition, love, and intrigue with Thomas at the centre of this intricate tapestry

Will Thomas’s bold vow be fulfilled? Danger stalks the corridors of the royal courts of Europe. Uneasy lies the head beneath a crown. Every other ruler – a fickle bedfellow…or sworn enemy.

The action takes place in England, Scotland, and France. On either side of the Narrow Sea, four young lives are interwoven, partly unaware of each other, and certainly oblivious to what Dame Fortune has in store for them.

“Nicolas de La Barre laid his lute to one side, hardly bothering to stifle a yawn of boredom. Nevertheless, he couldn’t escape the fact he’d agreed to take on a new wife…”

Explosive family secrets are concealed behind the ancient walls of castles in three lands. But… “There are no secrets that time does not reveal.”

About the Author(Goodreads):

 Born near historic Winchester in the UK, I have been passionate about the Tudors for as long as I can remember. This led to a degree in Medieval History at university and the growing desire to write a novel. However, life took over somewhat  and only after stays, short and long, in six countries I called home did I finally settle down to finish my novel. 

Words have always played an important part in my life, whether it’s been writing, editing, teaching English, or just picking up a good book. In preparation for my Tudor series, I did an enormous amount of research. 

Having three sons came in very handy when I had to write about squabbles between Nicolas and Tristan in my novel. Not so handy when I took them to Hampton Court and one of them got lost in the maze! I also used the men in my life as guinea pigs for my Tudor Cookery attempts (recipes included) with varying degrees of protest.

Seeing ‘A Phoenix Rising’, the first book in the series ‘The House of the Red Duke’ in print for the first time was a moment of great joy for me. I hope anyone reading it will enjoy the end result as much as I enjoyed writing it.

My Book Rating:

📕📕📕📕📕 (5 books = 5 stars)

What I Thought Of The Book:

When I first started reading this book, it was like I read it before. The names were so familiar to me. So I looked in front of the book and read what it was all about then read the back of the book. It was well so weird and strange because I felt like I was reading about some of my ancestors in the book. I did find out it was set in the 16th century. Those of you who have just moaned or are thinking about it well… I had probably had similar thoughts. But I assure you, despite being set in the 16th century the book was written in English 99.9% of the time so you don’t have much 16th century talk to deal with. I loved the book and look forward to the next one. The title of Book 2 is: The House Of The Red Duke: The Lizard Lurking In The Grass. Best of all in the back of the book, there is a 16th century words and phrases from A – Z translated to the English words and phrases.


I highly recommend this book. I enjoyed reading this book a lot I did not want to put the book down. I hope you buy, read it and review it. Look forward to see what you all think of this book.



Book 4 Update: Royal Murder Mysteries

Earlier in the year or Maybe late in December 2019, I told you all my goals for 2020. Well I’m happy to say Mom hasn’t got worse and is keeping her independence, as for me staying healthy that isn’t going well at this time. However, I am very happy to say I’m halfway done with my draft for Book 4. I’m at 18,116 words. That is at the start of Chapter 10. Woo Hoo!! My hope is to have Book 4 done in about 6 to 7 months if all goes well and after that, I hope to get the Epilogue started. 

I hope to get more words typed in the next few days.  Wish Me Luck.



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I want to take this time to wish WELCOME TO CRYSTAL’S SITE(ORIGINALLY COUNTRY LIVING) a Happy Blogiversary. Yesterday this site not only celebrated their 3rd Blogiversary  but made an achievement the site thought would never happened. So click on the link and wish this site a Happy 3rd Blogiversary.




Accomplishments for 2019 & Goals for 2020


Happy New Year Everyone. As we reflect on 2019 and make our goals for 2020, we think to ourselves can we really top what we accomplished in 2019. The answer lies within each of you but I’m positive you can.

My Accomplishments in 2019:

I was blessed over and over in 2019 with accomplishment after accomplishment. So what were those accomplishments? Well…

1. The beginning of 2019, I accidentally started my first book.

2. A few month later I wrote my second book.

3. A few months after writing my second book, I wrote my third book and decided to write a box set.

4. I turned another year older the week before Christmas.

5. After Christmas, I started Book 4 of The Royal Murder Mysteries.

6. As of January 4, 2020 I have  523 followers.

7. 653 Published Posts.

8. 5 Published Pages.

Goals For 2020:

1. Finish Book 4 of The Royal Murder Mysteries

2. Hoping to start writing the Epilogue.

3. Staying Healthy.

4. Praying Mom does get any worse.

What Are Your Goals In 2020?:

You’ve heard my goals for 2020 now what are your goals or resolutions? Let me know in the comment section or by using Contact Form which is above the Contact Form. Looking forward to hearing from you all.





A TEXAS CHRISTMAS Mystery & Love at Christmas Book Reviews

Happy New Year everyone!! With 2019 behind us and 2020 just starting, what better way to start the new year off but by doing book reviews. This is my first post of 2020. ENJOY!!

Love at Christmas 

This paperback book is a compilation of Four Christmas Novellas by Anne Greene. Each book in this book is excellent and very well written. This book is Clean, no graphic sex, no cussing, no vulgarity, no use of the F word. Just good clean reading and inspirational. I highly recommend this book and would be a good book for a book club to read.

The books in this book can be bought separately too. If your interesting in reading my review on Bookbub the link for the review is: Love at Christmas Book Review .


This paperback book is an inspirational, clean Christmas mystery. This book is excellent reading and well written. Many kudos to Anne Greene for writing her books inspirational and keeping them clean. Just goes to show you don’t need all that graphic sex, vulgarity and cussing and gore to sell a book. If a book is well written, action packed, has plots twists turns and keeps me interested, then the author has successfully done her/his job. Personally, if you put  graphic sex, cussing and vulgarity, use or overuse the use of the F word and put a lot of gore in your book then I can honestly say that is a complete turn off for me. However, I will read a book and find out while reading the F word is used then I usually do 1 of 2 things, I either put down and it becomes a DNF (Did Not Finish) or if I find out the F word is used, I decide is the book well written enough to finish the book. Most of the time though it turns out being DNF’s. Once again, Anne Greene writes another Fantastic book. 

I highly recommend both these books and hope you go buy and read them. I reviewed this book on Bookbub and to read the review you can go to: A TEXAS CHRISTMAS Mystery Review .

*full disclosure* I won A TEXAS CHRISTMAS Mystery in Anne Greene’s newsletter contest and she also sent me the book Love at Christmas to review. 







What You Need To Know…


Hi and Welcome, I sure hope everyone is doing A OK. I want to talk to you today about something that happens more than we realize. Also, it’s rarely talked about. So what am I talking about? A doctor’s referral to another doctor that’s not really a referral at all. There’s really no name for it. 


When we go to a doctor we there are so many things we expect from our doctors only we don’t always get it now do we? Whether we take our child to a Pediatrician, A PCP(Primary Care Physician), A Specialist or some other doctor every doctor comes with many questions. However, when a doctor after some time out of the blue starts pushing for you to see another doctor or specialist for no reason at all at least not any the doctor will admit when you keep asking you have no reason to think that doctor will lie to you. You trust and respect the doctor. But there are things that we can do and be careful of. Let’s take a look at what we can do and what we shouldn’t do (AKA The Pros And Cons). Let’s start with What We Can Do.

What We Can Do:

1.) When a doctor asks us questions we don’t understand, be sure to ask your doctor for clear clarification.

2.) Don’t be afraid to ask questions to your doctor even after he delivers his clarification if you still don’t understand.

3.) Always have medical questions to ask your doctor and if anymore questions pop up while your with your doctor, ask him/her.

4.) If your doctor starts pushing you to see another doctor/specialist after out of blue for some unexplained reason, first stick to your guns when you say no. Don’t ever go to another doctor unless its really necessary.

5.) Always ask your doctor is this a referral and the second part of that question to your doctor should be: Will I be able to come back to see you after seeing this doctor? Hopefully your doctor will be honest with you.

What We Shouldn’t Do:

1.) If your doctor says you need to see a specialist. Please, Please don’t just sit there and take your doctor’s word. If anything, ask why?

2.) Don’t just assume. I was always taught and forgive the language but I was always taught if you assume and I quote “You will make an ass out u and me”. Like I said it’s a quote.

3.) Never go to another doctor/specialist without asking will I be able to come back and see you?

My Story:

When I was a very young child, my mother took me to this pediatrician. He was really good with his young patients. I was old enough to understand but still young enough to see a Pediatrician. I saw this Pediatrician for many many years. Then out of the blue and unbeknownst to us, he started  pushing for me to see a specialist every time I saw him. We asked him and gave his reason why. After a while and after a lot of pushing, we went and saw the specialist he recommended. What we didn’t know we saw my doctor for the last time and not by our choice. We went back to make an appointment with the receptionist to see my doctor and that’s when she said, What are you doing here? Mom explained why we were there and she said, he’s said he’s not your doctor anymore. We were like WHAT?? She said you went to see another doctor. We said, yes by his recommendation. We learned the Bad News from the Receptionist. The Receptionist of all people. Never did get an explanation from the doctor. 

Don’t let this happen to you. We asked questions and still got the shaft somehow.

What Did We Learn?  

We learned that you should always ask your doctor questions even after he’s given you his clarification. Even though he’s your doctor and you trust him/her, always ask when they start referring you to another doctor. Why? What’s your reasoning? Is it really necessary? Most important of all, will I be able to come  back and see you if I go to this doctor?

I write this article not to be critical of doctors but so what happened to me doesn’t happen to any of you.  






24 Days ‘Til Christmas…


It’s 24 days until Christmas and I haven’t started my Christmas shopping yet… Ahhhh….. What am I going to do? I know  what I’m getting 6 people, I just have to order it. As for my 4 Nieces  and 1 Nephew well I have no idea what I’m buying them. Since the four girls are either in college or just graduated from college, I’m going for something that is practical. As for my Nephew, he being 17 mentioned he needed a new wallet so I’m trying for that. Since they are getting gift cards or checks, I wanted something small for them to open. If you have any suggestions I am open to hearing. As nothing has been decided yet.

What are you getting your kids and/or Grandkids? Please tell me.

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Deer Secret Agents



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My Birthday Month

Hi everyone, It is December 1st and you know what that means? That is right, it’s my birthday month and I celebrate all month long and sometimes longer. I do not reveal my age but my real birthday is on December 19th. If you do the math, that is exactly a week before Christmas. Daisy Mae keeps younger each day and thanks to her throwing this online birthday.


You are all invited to my online Birthday party and hope to see you see you there. If you can’t make on the 19th of December no worries because we’re celebrating all month long. Hope to see you at my Birthday party. Thanks in advance for coming.



So You Want To Be A Writer… Now What?


Becoming A Writer:

So You Want To Be A Writer… Now What? Now if answered YES to that question, CONGRATULATIONS!! Now let me ask you another question, now you that you decided to be a writer are you ready to get down to business and work hard on your writing? If you are saying, I wanted to become a writer and/or because I thought it would be easy. I’m here to tell you becoming a writer isn’t easy. There’s a lot involved in becoming a writing. Let’s take a look what’s involved in becoming a writer.

Write Or Type Your Ideas:

The very first thing you’ll want to do is as soon as you decide to become a writer, you’ll want to start writing down all your ideas down on paper or type them on a separate piece of paper in no particular order. You can organize your ideas later. Your very first thing you should probably do is figure out what genre or genres you want to write in. As for your title of your book, you don’t have one yet not to worry because once your book starts coming together a title will come to you. Now you’ve started writing down ideas or typing them on a separate piece of paper, you’re ready to start your book — right? Not quite. You need get a few things first and also there’s something I suggest you do.

What You Need To Be A Writer:

What you need to be a writer is several things. They are listed below.

1.) Persistence.

2.) A whole lot of patience.

3.) A whole lot of prayer.

4.) An encourage network of friends and family.

6.) If possible, try to find a mentor in an author. You never know when they’ll ask for your help. Don’t be afraid to give help.

7.) You’ll need to have a whole lot of paper and notebooks. That’s why it might be easier to just type everything on a separate page.

8.) You’ll need plenty of time.

9. You’ll need a good imagination. Let your imagination run wild it’ll help.

What You Shouldn’t Do As A Writer:

1.) In my opinion, Don’t do Webinars or Tutorials. These can be to confusing and sometimes even to technical.

2.) Don’t get to many suggestions on what to do. To many suggestions could cause confusion. 

3.) Don’t hold a job and write a book at the same  time.

Challenge Yourself:

When I say challenge yourself, I mean it. So what do I mean exactly when I say challenge yourself? I mean first before you start writing your first book, you should write one for fun just to see if you can do it. When you’ve accomplished that, then decide for sure if you still want to be a writer. If so, then the real hard work begins with editors, publishers, Marketers or do do just self published.

When Was The Writing Gene Planted?:

In everyone who wants to be a writer whether it be a writer of a book, a journalist, a blogger or a columnist the question you should ask yourself is when was the writing seed or dream planted? I say ask yourself this question because you may be asked this question by friends, family or even strangers. When you have the answer, you’ll be able to answer others much better and they’ll see you are really serious about being a writer.

My Writing Story:

I guess if someone were to ask me when my writing seed or dream started wasn’t when I was child but was way back when I was in college. A class I had to have and might I add I didn’t care for class or the professor but on this particular day, she took the class to hear Maya Angelou speak. As it turned out, it was like a meet and greet after listening to her speak. One thing that always stuck with me was when she said Never Give Up!! After that, I started writing poems on and off here and there and then fast forward to this year at the beginning of 2019, I decided to try to write my  first book. After accomplishing writing  two books, I decided to challenge myself to write my first box set. Would I be able to do it? Well I’m happy to say that I’m well on my way to accomplishing that too. You see, I have written three books so far and I just started my fourth and final book in the box set. My goal is to have the box set finished by the end of December 2020.

Your Goals:

Make small goals for yourself. For example, since most chapters are 2000 words your goals will be completed every time you complete a chapter. Depending how long your book will be, you might want to make your goal a little bigger and make it every 5,000 words. Either way, these are accomplishments in their own right.

Do You Still Want To Be Writer?:

So after reading all this and all you have learned, Do You Still Want To Be A Writer? If you do, I say congratulations to you and wish you Good Luck. I also wish you good luck in writing many books. Don’t forget, don’t let anyone discourage you from writing or tell you that you can’t do it. If you want it bad enough, you’ll accomplish your goal or dream even if you have to do it in small steps.




Should A Child Dream Big?


Starting when we are young children our parents, our grandparents and even friends start asking us: What do you want to be when you grow up? It’s a typical question and one that is apt to be asked sometime in your childhood. A young boy might say he wants to be a Contractor, a Fireman, a Doctor, a Lawyer then you have the girl who might say she wants to be a Nurse, a Doctor, a Teacher or Professor. However, in the world today, you might here a girl say she wants to be President, an engineer or some other jobs that is mostly dominated with men. So is it wrong for girls to think they can do a man’s job? Absolutely not.  In fact, some women might be able to do the man’s job better.

Should Children Dream Big?

So should children dream big knowing they might fail? Yes of course a child should dream big knowing they might fail. Why? Because dreaming big means challenging themselves and if they challenge them self well, who knows what they will achieve. If they fail, yes there will be disappointment but it’s not the end of the world. Also, failure should be considered a stepping stone that’ll get the child to a destination or goal they never thought of.

A Child’s Dreams VS. An Adult’s Dreams

When a child has dreams they are usually small to medium dreams. When that child becomes an adult, their dreams start to change and they even start dreaming bigger dreams. So is it healthy for a child to dream big with possible failure looming? Yes it is not only healthy but it challenges the child to go for what they want. In other words, go for all the gusto you can.

Examples Of A Child’s Dream 

1.) Fireman

2.) Contractor

3.) Lawyer

4.) Doctor

5.) President

The list goes on and on.

Examples Of An Adults Dream 

1.) Writer/Author

2.) Franchise Manager/CEO

3.) Teacher

4.) Nurse

5.) Doctor

6.) Lawyer

The list goes on and on. See any similarities between a Child’s dreams and an Adult’s dreams? Not to much difference is there?

So What Have We Learned?

That both children and adults should dream and their dreams should be big. Also, if you really want to do something and I mean really do something then I encourage you to go for it. It may not happen right away but it will happen. For example, it took me 51 years before I went for one of my dreams and I’m getting there slowly but in my past, I have been lucky enough to achieve other dreams as well. What are your dreams you want to achieve or have already achieved. I’m interested in hearing them whether big or small. Trust me, I will not judge you. To me any dream achieved is a huge accomplishment.

KEEP DREAMING FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!