How To Stop Chewing In Cats and Dogs Naturally

Hello, my name is Kalia. I run, a blog designed to inspire dog moms to improve their mental health alongside their doggos.

My boy, Ryder and I want everyone to be able to unleash their pawsitivity and chase a happier life. We talk about ways to combat depression and anxiety. We also share tips to help gain a better bond with your four-legged.

I am extremely honored to be able to guest post today. Thank you so much for having me, Crystal! Today I am going to share a few tips and tricks on how to stop your pets from unwanted chewing.


How To Stop Chewing In Cats and Dogs Naturally 

Most puppies and kittens tend to chew on things they shouldn’t. It is just part of the growing process; just like human babies going through the teething stage. Chewing is something that a pet parent must be ready to tackle. Your love for your pet must be stronger than your love for possessions. From a new pair of sneakers to couch cushions, blankets, and yes, even that brand new tank top you bought for this Summer’s vacation.

If you are struggling with your cat or dog chewing and want a natural remedy, check out these options below. I have a list of ways that you can hopefully get them to stop nibbling on things they shouldn’t be. 

These tips and tricks below work on adult and baby animals. And any pet that has not thoroughly learned what they can and can’t chew on. Usually, when a cat or dog begin chewing even though you are working on breaking them of the habit, they might be doing it to tell you something. 


Stopping a Cat or Dog From Chewing

Burn Off Energy 

A lot of times cats and dogs will chew out of boredom. When they get anxious or feel like they are not getting any attention, they reach for chewing as a form of attention. It helps them release stress. Making sure to spend time with your pet every day is imperative. Have toys to play with them, take your dog for a walk or to the dog park to run.

Even if it is 15 minutes a day, you need to devote that time every day to keep your animal content. Plus, who doesn’t want to bond with your little (or big) furball?! When your pet stops chewing and you stop playing, they will most likely revert back to chewing. Make it a daily habit to get out some energy.


Catching Them In The Act 

When you find your pet chewing away where they shouldn’t offer them a chew toy that they can chew on instead. Redirection is the way to go when it comes to training any animal. Plus, a toy to chew on is positive reinforcement. This will teach them that they can’t chew on the couch, but they can chew on their ball. Diverting them in a positive way is a great way to teach them — “Hey look! Here is the toy to play with.” You can buy natural pet deterrent sprays that you can spray on items in your house as well. You can find natural ones that just turn your cat or dog off. This is good for items like shoes, clothing, or furniture you don’t want to be torn up. 


Chew Toys

Whether you buy a chew toy that has strings, interactive toys for your cats, or dog bones, have a variety. Fill a toy with treats to entice play time. Or buy an item with catnip for your feline. Make sure you are buying toys that interest your pet. Then when you see them acting bored, offer a toy to play with. You could even make a grass garden for your cat to nibble on and lounge in. Just think outside the box to find ways to entertain your pet. 



There are a few different spray products on the market to curb your furbaby’s destructive chewing habit. The most common are “Bitters”. Most dogs do not care for bitter tastes. Spraying items with this taste will help detour your pet from wanting to chew on it anymore. This is a great option for things around the house that can get wet without damaging them. Make sure to not only spray the bitters but have a positive alternative to chew on at the ready. Your buddy with still needs to release some of their pent-up energy.


Mental Stimulation 

Making sure your pet has mental and physical exercise, and stimulation is a must. Teaching obedience, tricks, and more are imperative. Having a perch for your cat to sit on to look out the window, taking your dog for a walk or car ride. Showing them pet videos to help stimulate their minds. Make sure you do things that not only offer physical exercise but also aim for mental. 


If you try these routes and still struggle, it might not hurt to take your pet to the vet. Sometimes anxiety can be causing the stress chewing, and medication might be needed. Other times dental issues or underlying health issues can make your pet act out or show signs of chewing that you can’t seem to stop. It is always best to get them checked out to rule out any health issues. 

What tips do you have for stopping chewing naturally?