Writing Update & Update on Me


Hi EveryoneI thought I would pop in and let you all know how I am  doing so as things usually go they rarely turn out as planned and but my silver lining in losing my little fur Baby if there is one, I have seen a lot of Cardinals and Butterflies 🦋 even caught a Butterfly 🦋 to save it so I could let it go and fly away and visit someone else who needed cheering up and their spirits lifted up  and as for me I am feeling better but not back to 100% quite yet but I would say I am probably at 95% right now give or take a few percentage points  I have even started to to do some decluttering which I procrastinated on major big time.

also thought I would update you on my writing and surprisingly I have written in the project I am working on now about 4 1/2 books are completed in the box se project I’m working on and not really sure how many books there will be but right now there is tentatively 6 and before that I completed like 3-4 books, so I have been a busy little girl. In all reality’s sake, it’s been really good therapy for me. 

Well that is all for now and thanks again for your kindness and understanding.

Coronations, A Surprise, Jailbreak & Capture: The Royal Murder Mysteries – Book 5 Update


Hi Everyone, hope all is going well with you. Me not to bad not that I can complain nor would it help to complain. Today I would like to update you on how my book is coming along.

As most of you know, I write poems, short stories and yes even books for fun. Lately, I’ve been working on Book 5 of The Royal Murder Mysteries. Writing a book is harder work than you think. There are many steps that go into the writing process? So what are some of those steps. Some of those steps are:

1. Never assume anything.

2. Always and I mean Always make a draft so you know which way your story plot(s) are going.

3. Take notes.

4. Make story bubbles and/or boards.

5. If you plan on writing your book/poem/short story from your ideas in your head, be sure to make brief notes so you don’t forget.

6. Make short goals for yourself. For example, finishing a chapter is something to be thrilled about and finishing the whole is really something to be thrilled about.

7. Once draft is finished, be sure to edit the draft for spelling mistakes, grammar mistakes, formatting mistakes.

8. If you’re lucky enough to be able to submit your draft don’t be to upset if you’re rejected. Take the criticism and make it helpful and useful as to when you submit your draft the second time around and hope for the best. 

9. Make a deadline for yourself even if you have no time limit. Trust me, you might just surprise yourself how soon you get your book draft.

10. Finally, never quit. It’s the worst thing you can do.

Now for  my book update. Book 5 of The Royal Murder Mysteries is coming along slowly but that’s OK because I’m happy and thrilled to say, I just accomplished another goal. What was that goal you ask? That goal was that I just finished Chapter 4 at 8,218 words. Am I thrilled and happy at what I accomplished so far? You bet. My goal is to have my draft of book 5 finished by December 31, 2020. If I don’t make my goal fine and if I do well great even better. So when do you become an author? Is when you get published? On the contrary. You become an author when you complete your first book/article draft.

I wish all you unpublished and published authors all the best.


Friendly Fill-Ins

Hi Everyone Daisy Mae here, miss me? Of course you did, I know you like to read our posts our wonderful readers. Well this week, I’m taking over posting since Mom Crystal is still feeling under the weather. However, she will be giving her answers for Friendly Fill – Ins. As always our answers will be in italics and my answers will be in Blue italics and Mom Crystal’s answers will be in Purple italics.

Hope you Enjoy our Answers.



1. I feel like a rug that’s overstretched. 

2. I wish I could exchange my toys for more treats. Yummy, Yummy in the Tummy.

3. It’s time for me to take my nap but first I’m going to finish this post… I hope.

4. Sleeping a lot is really tempting these days.

Crystal’s Answers

1. I feel like a semi-truck just ran over me and I’m never going to recover.

2. I wish I could exchange my computer for a full refund.

3. It’s time for me to stop procrastinating and do the jobs I need to do.

4. Throwing my computer up against the wall is really tempting these days.