Another Book Down…!!

Just last Night I finally finished another book in the box set series I am writing and instead of writing six books I think I might write seven books not six books in The Real Secret Is… Series. I hope to write six books and anther book that is tentatively scheduled and subject to change and you know what they say about best laid plans in fact a lot of times it is usually best to play things by ear.

Now just started my sixth book which is entitled The Real Secret Is...‘  OH I Know it is the same title as the box set series and maybe that is why it fits so well and I like it so well, even though I just started writing the sixth book 📘 I have typed out so far 754 words and still writing and book 5 I finished it at 42,991 words which pretty much means I have written more than 5 books 📚 and 5 of them have been this year and the year is only half over.

Just a few days ago my youngest sister called crying 😭 because she found her cat dead now if you remember my Daisy Mae was 17 1/2 and would’ve been 18 on Sept. 12 so Rascal my sister’s cat was about the same age just a few months between them.


13 thoughts on “Another Book Down…!!

  1. Oh Crystal we are so very sorry your Sister lost her precious fur baby!! It is so difficult to say “Goodbye” to a beloved companion. We send Condolences to your Sister.

    Hearty Congrats on writing another book! You are so devoted to writing… a real inspiration to all & to me! Thank you! Good luck with the new book!

    (((hugs))) BellaSita Mum (Sherri-Ellen) & ***nose kissess*** BellaDharma

    Liked by 1 person

  2. We are sorry to hear that dear Rascal has moved on to a new body and life. But such good memories, one hopes, are left behind to celebrate a good life, loved well cared for.

    I am sincerely looking forward to you publishing the first in your series, then the rest. I am set, along with Kerry Barbero, mum of the late Valentine and the Noir Kitty Mews cat blog, to self-publish our first book using KDP. I’m soon publishing my first solo work through a small independent UK publisher. Such good words deserve to be seen, and I hope you will let your imagination and its creations take flight for a bigger audience. Do look at pitching your books to an agent, too.

    As always, best of luck with your writing. If you publish it, send us a copy, and we will review it for you. You seem to have the talent and drive to become a big name in the romance genre.

    ERin & Mrs H

    Liked by 3 people

  3. How sad about your sister’s cat. Please give her my condolences. Congrats on another book! Even writing one is a lot let alone 6. I am impressed. XO

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Many congrats on finishing another book, and then starting yet another, Crystal! So sorry to learn of the loss of your sister’s kitty. Wishing her peace and comfort.

    Liked by 1 person

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