Friendly Fill – Ins: Mother’s Day Style

Hi everyone and welcome to CRYSTAL AND DAISY MAE’S PHOTO-BLOGGING SITE for another edition of Friendly Fill – Ins. Only this time Daisy Mae came to me and said she wanted to do a special Mother’s Day edition of Friendly Fill – Ins. So I have given Daisy Mae to take charge. OH I hope you like it. Just so you know this will be as much a surprise for me as it is for you.🙀🙀 

Queen Daisy Mae: MOM, MOM, MOM, MOM

Queen Mom Crystal: What is it Daisy Mae? I’m really busy right now.

Queen Daisy Mae: To busy to give me your attention?

Queen Mom Crystal: For what Queen Daisy Mae?

Queen Daisy Mae: I’m really surprised. You forgot didn’t you? You forgot about Mother’s Day and Friendly Fill – Ins didn’t you? Be honest with me.

Queen Mom Crystal: Well Queen Daisy Mae I will be honest with you. I didn’t forget about Mother’s Day. In fact I wrote a poem that will coming out on Sunday or Monday and I was going to forgo Friendly Fill – Ins this week. What do you have to say to that?

Queen Daisy Mae: MOM, MOM, MOM, MOM I just had the most wonderful idea.

Queen Mom Crystal: UUUUHHHH……… OOOOHHHHH!!!! What’s your most wonderful idea Queen Daisy Mae?

Queen Daisy Mae: Well Queen Mom Crystal in honor of Mother’s Day I thought I would do Friendly Fill – Fill Ins this week. You know answer ALL four questions. What do you say? OH please, please, please, please let me do it, let me do it(Queen Daisy Mae is jumping up and down at this point and begging).

Queen Mom Crystal: (Queen Mom Crystal is giggling by now) Well……… I don’t know. I guess it wouldn’t hurt anything and who knows if you do a good job maybe you can do it more often.

Queen Daisy Mae: And the verdict is…??

Queen Mom Crystal: Oh what the heck. Go for it Queen Daisy Mae.

Queen Daisy Mae: REALLY!!?? REALLY!!?? You mean it?? You really mean it??

Queen Mom Crystal: Yes Queen Daisy Mae I mean it. You’re in charge of doing Friendly Fill – Ins. Please don’t mess this up.

Queen Daisy Mae: OH believe me Queen Mom Crystal I won’t let you down. NO, NO, NO, NO!!

Queen Mom Crystal: I’m very proud and privileged to present Queen Daisy Mae doing Friendly Fill – Ins. So without further adieu let’s go to Friendly Fill – Ins: Mother’s Day Style with Queen Daisy Mae.


1.) 2005-2006 was a very good year. This was the year I got my forever home. That’s right folks, I’m going to be the big 13 on Sept. 12.

2.) There is nothing quite like a forever and loving home.

3.) If I had a talk show, I would want to interview the Queen Mom Crystal’s favorite author Amorette Anderson and also want to interview Miss Ellen and her cats from 15 And I guess I would ask her cats what’s it like to live with multiple cats and ask Miss Ellen how on earth does she manage all those cats?

4.) There is nothing I wouldn’t do for Fancy Feast. Chicken variety and it must be Classic Pate` since they discontinued my favorite, favorite kind.

So to ALL the Mother’s out there whether you have children or are the Mother of a furfriend. HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY TO YOU ALL!! I ALSO WANT TO WISH MY MOM A SPECIAL MOTHER’S DAY WISH.






15 thoughts on “Friendly Fill – Ins: Mother’s Day Style

  1. Thank you for joining in on the Friendly Fill-Ins, Daisy Mae! A forever home is the most purrfect thing there is. We’re sure glad you found yours!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Guess What Dezi and Raena, Mom Crystal told me she liked my Friendly Fill – Ins so much and the way I did them she might have to let me purrticipate and be in charge more often. I told her I’d like that. However, she also said she wants to purrticipate at times too.
      Daisy Mae


  2. Queen Daisy Mae you really have some fine answers there and I agree that our furever homes and loving pawrents and the Best Thing Ever! Keep Mom on her toes Daisy Mae. Its a tough job but Cats Can Do!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Meow meow you did pawsitivelee purrfect;ee Daisy Mae!!! Soon mee will tern 7 yeerss old….on May 15th LadyMew told mee. There will bee a speshell blog that day. An then inn Septemburr wee can cellybrate yore Birfday!!
    ***purrsss*** BellaDharma

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Daisy Mae loves that idea but BellaDharma and LadyMew Daisy Mae wants to have and celebrate one Birfday party—Her Mom’s—Mine. Daisy Mae’s Mom’s Birfday AKA my Birfday is in December to be exact it’s on Dec. 19. How about another party—What’d you say? Like that idea?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Mee thinkss you shuud cellybrate together as you are together. LadyMew has dun a post fore mee all reddy so wee just go with that. Miss Crystal you are a Deecemburr Birfday? So iss LadyMew!
        LadyMew iss not feelin upss fore a pawty at this point….maybee sum other time…..

        Liked by 1 person

      2. That is fine. What date in Dec. is LadyMew’s Birfday? Is it close to mine? We’ll pawty all the time then LadyMew won’t miss the pawty.


  4. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. How sweet to want to interview me and my cats 🙂 I am glad you have a wonderful forever home. I hope you have a wonderful weekend- by extra good to your mom Daisy, Crystal is very good to you. XO

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Brian. Tell your friends too to read. Maybe if we get enough people who like it this way. Queen Mom Crystal will let me do it more. Thanks Again.
      Daisy Mae


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